Youth resources

Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.

- Helen Keller

Check out our latest work with young people in Canterbury; combining fitness, growth mindsets, financial literacy and positive role models.


Here we provide information on the growth mindset, and how we can empower the next generation to succeed and build resilience.

We have provided additional resources below specifically to support trauma affected or stressed children and adults. This is applicable to everybody :)


Download a stay-at-home care package if you’ve got kids at home and need to keep them occupied - lots of games and resources right here!

The printable pack includes: 

Indoor Games & Activities to get your children moving 

"I'm Bored" list of indoor activities for children (both alone and with their siblings)

"Things I Can Do" for teens and older children

Stay-at-home resources including growth mindset movie, TV shows, and book lists 

My Daily Learning Projects template for kids



Love wins

Helping children deal with trauma

Calming techniques

Emotional Freedom Technique “tapping”


Some of our values are Equality, Respect and Community

We provide these resources for building resilience in kiwi kids.



Growth mindset resources

Big Life Journal teaches kids to push through the fear of failure. Kids learn that with the right mindset they can succeed beyond their wildest dreams! It's truly remarkable to see the transformation, especially in the way kids begin to express their thoughts and feelings.


Planning to succeed

With a little planning, it is possible to create a drastically different kind of morning. One that encompasses your child’s physical AND emotional needs and provides the happy, peaceful start.

Practicing these 5 effective strategies will help your family to not only have a better morning but also develop and strengthen a growth mindset.

Click the image for more info: