Breaking Good
We can do more with your help!
By investing by way of donation to our work you are helping to create change and make a positive social impact.
We’re currently publishing a book called “Breaking Good”
It’s a journey through domestic abuse, overcoming trauma and learning to love yourself. Why our founder, Lisa, stayed and how we can support positive change.
Breaking Good - back cover
We envision a day when every New Zealand child is on the same playing field mentally and physically regardless of background and risk factors.
We are working with various organisations in order to enable those defined by statistics and circumstance as vulnerable or at risk to thrive, belong and achieve in their lives in the same ways as those who are not exposed to risk factors.
We aim to positively change the socio-economic landscape of the future of New Zealand by creating equal opportunity futures for kiwi kids regardless of race, religion, education, gender or background.
To make an investment into what we do by way of sponsorship, contact us here: