Charities and organisations working with youth benefit from aligning with Social Currency to receive donations from referred clients; these are ‘Charity impact partnerships’.
Our focus is on building strategic partnerships with a core group of organisations doing work to build resilience in at-risk kiwi kids, but we are always looking for other opportunities to help support organisations in the areas that are are important in achieving the mission and vision of Social Currency.
We collaborate as much as possible in pursuit of greater impact.
Accounting firms can benefit from partnering with Social Currency to receive referrals in exchange for donating 10% of referred client fees to our charities that support at-risk youth. We also collaborate with organisations who want to support our cause. Both accounting and supporting organisations are ‘business impact partnerships’.
Business Impact Partnerships
Charity partnerships are created in a corporate sponsorship model through cause related marketing with a focus on sustainable social change.
In total we’ve donated over $150,000 to community organisations supporting vulnerable young people and their whānau.
We’ve been operating since 2017 and have big goals to continue the social impact we collaboratively contribute to in our communities.
We've distributed over 200 copies of Breaking Good, and are seeing it being passed around amongst women's groups and to friends and family. This was the intention from the start, that it would go from home to home, to those who need support to break out of a situation, seek support or utilise it as part of their selfcare and we've had some incredible feedback from men and women.
Who we support